Modern Ag Alliance Applauds Missouri House Passage of House Bill 2763
April 24, 2024
The legislation protects farmers’ access to critical crop protection tools, including glyphosate
ST. LOUIS - Today, the Modern Ag Alliance—a coalition of more than 75 agricultural groups fighting to protect U.S. farmers’ access to critical crop protection tools—issued the following statement in response to the Missouri House of Representatives’ passage of House Bill 2763:
“On behalf of more than 75 agricultural and grower groups in the Modern Ag Alliance, we thank the members of the Missouri House of Representatives who stood with farmers and science over the litigation industry in passing House Bill 2763. We hope the Missouri Senate will soon join in ensuring farmers continue to have access to safe and approved crop protection tools. With the help of policymakers, growers around the country, the agricultural community, and others, we can help ensure that glyphosate remains available to America’s farmers.”
About the Modern Ag Alliance
Led by Bayer and a diverse group of key agricultural stakeholders, Modern Ag Alliance is an organization that is fighting to protect U.S. farmers’ access to the crop protection tools they need to ensure we have a robust and affordable domestic food supply.